zzDirexCondensed 0327
99.03.27   ( d2
CHECKED 01.05.23
To Ted Nelson Home Page
To ZigZag page at Keio

These were promulgated 21 Jan 1999.
It turns out that some of the commands
 don't work right (strikethroughs) but Will Be Fixed.


ZigZagtm 0.61 Boot Floppy •  A Ted Nelson Design
This software does not run under Windows!

FOR SAFETY CONTAINS NO HARD DISK DRIVERS but we take no responsibility for damages real or imagined, consequential or otherwise.

©1999 Project Xanadu®

This disk will automatically reboot a Windows machine and run ZigZag 0.61            under Linux.  Place in floppy drive of Intel-type PC and restart computer.




LEFT WINDOW (menu cursor): quad window Q • cursor directions S E F C or s e
f c • go forward d • go backward D • reassign x-axis X • reassign y-axis Y
• reassign z-axis Z • flip between row and column view V • cursor go home G
•  go to specific cell (cellnumber) G • clone this cell T

RIGHT WINDOW (event cursor): quad window q • cursor directions  J I L (,)
or j i l (,) • go forward k • go backward K • reassign x-axis x • reassign
y-axis y • reassign z-axis z • flip between row and column view v • cursor
go home g • go to specific cell (cellnumber) g • clone this cell t • arrow
keys may also be used for directions J I L (,)

EXECUTING MENU CELL (begins with #): place left cursor on cell RETURN
NEW CELL: n or N followed by direction key S E F C d D  J I L (,) k K
HOP: h followed by direction S E F C d D  J I L (,) k K

TO CONNECT CELLS: type cell number of one cell, put right cursor on other
cell and hit direction key of its desired edge: S E F C d D J I L (,) k K
TO BREAK CONNECTION (right cursor): b direction S E F C d D  J I L (,) k K
TO MAKE NEW DIMENSION: go to cell 1 (top of dimension list) and make new
cell in that column, edit cell and type in name of new dimension.  Deleting
a cell in this column deletes its dimension.  DO NOT DELETE d.1, d.2,
d.cursor, d.clone.

[boot floppy only:]
EDITING CELL CONTENTS: ctrl-k opens editor.  EXIT EDITOR: ctrl-k X
[Otherwise editor defaults to Emacs:]
